Ehsan Sabouni's Homepage


[2023/07] Our paper Optimal control of connected automated vehicles with event-triggered control barrier functions: a test bed for safe optimal merging was selected as the outstanding student paper award at 2023 IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications (CCTA), 321-326

[2022/09] I worked as a Graduate Teaching Fellow for Probability with statistical applications (ENG EK 500, Boston University).

[2021/09] I worked as a Graduate Teaching Fellow for Dynamical systems (ENG SE501, Boston University).

[2021/06] I joined CODES Lab as a Ph.D. student supervised by Prof. Christos Cassandras .

[2021/05] I completed Boston University Systems Engineering PhD Qualifying Exam and became a Ph.D candidate of Systems Engineering, Boston University.

[2019/05] I got admission to the PhD program in Systems Engineering at Boston University.

[2014/07] I graduated from Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Isfhan University of Technology and got the degree of B.S. of Electrical Engineering.